Allied Pilots Association

Inquiries and Requests

The APA Communications Department responds to media inquiries and requests for background information and interviews.

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APA Public Statements

Reflecting on Labor Day

Reflecting on Labor Day We celebrate Labor Day each year to honor the efforts of our nation’s workers. The three-day holiday weekend traditionally marks the end of summer, it’s one of the year’s busiest travel periods, and it’s an opportunity to get together with family and friends if you’re fortunate enough to have the time off. It also provides an opportunity to reflect on the labor movement itself. One of the foundational elements of organized labor has always been the emphasis on building membership unity. The familiar adage “united we stand, divided we fall” neatly sums up the task unions face – unifying members to achieve their aims. As we approached the end game in Section 6 negotiations last year, the APA membership voted overwhelmingly in favor of authorizing a strike if we couldn’t reach a satisfactory agreement with management at the bargaining table. Shortly thereafter, 95% of our pilots participated in the vote to ratify our new contract, securing $9.6 billion in additional value versus the previous agreement. As that recent experience demonstrated, unity pays, and I encourage everyone to keep that in mind considering the contract enables APA and management to begin the next round of Section 6 bargaining in November 2026 – just over two years from now. It’s in our best interests to go into negotiations as a strongly unified pilot group. That’s how we’re going to get the contractual improvements we want and need sooner rather than later. Unity means looking after our own, and my guess is we already do more of that than we might realize. Think of it this way: If you have a little brother, chances are you pushed him around when you were kids, but when someone else did, you stood up for him. Whatever our path to American Airlines – whether you learned to fly in a T-6 in the military or in a Cessna 172 at your local mom-and-pop flight school – each of us worked hard to get here, and we all belong here. We’ve all endured check rides that left us sweating, and we’ve all flown trips we don’t care to repeat. Let’s set aside whatever perceived differences we may have and focus on what we have in common. We all want to enjoy full, rewarding careers as American Airlines pilots doing something that very few other people in the world know how to do, and membership unity is one of the keys to accomplishing that. Stay safe, enjoy the holiday, and keep looking out for one another. In Unity, CA Ed Sicher APA President

Allied Pilots Association: “We Strongly Support Our NetJets Colleagues”

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Capt. Dennis Tajer, 847-902-8481/Gregg Overman, 817-312-3901 Allied Pilots Association: “We Strongly Support Our NetJets Colleagues” FORT WORTH, Texas (Aug. 20, 2024) – The Allied Pilots Association weighed in on NetJets’ recent termination of two high-ranking NetJets Association of Shared Aircraft Pilots (NJASAP) officials, characterizing the terminations as “egregious” and “unwarranted.” The NJASAP officials terminated by airline management – the union’s vice president and strategy group chair – both had unblemished professional records. “Intimidation, retaliation, and suppression of protected union activity have no place in a functional labor-management relationship,” said APA President Capt. Ed Sicher. “NetJets management’s actions are egregious and unwarranted.” When the terminations took place, NJASAP officials had been emphasizing the importance of resetting the labor-management relationship at the airline. In a press release following the terminations, NJASAP President Capt. Pedro Leroux said, “Choosing to terminate two high-ranking Union leaders is not simply another hurdle to resetting the landscape, but a move reflective of a strategy that is not sustainable in the long term.” APA and NJASAP are both members of the Coalition of Airline Pilots Associations (CAPA), a Washington, D.C.-based trade association representing more than 35,000 professional passenger and cargo pilots. CAPA focuses on advancing its members’ safety, security, legislative, and regulatory priorities. “We strongly support our NetJets colleagues and wholeheartedly agree with Capt. Leroux – NetJets management must change course and repair the relationship,” Sicher said. “We are all stronger when labor and management work together.” Founded in 1963, the Allied Pilots Association – the largest independent pilots union in the United States – has its headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas. APA represents the 16,000 pilots of American Airlines, including several hundred pilots on full-time military leave of absence serving in the armed forces. The union’s website is

Website and App Access Issues

Website and App Access Issues An update to our membership database is the root cause of the issues some members are experiencing when trying to access or the APA Pilot app. This update should be completed by 1930 Central. Should you continue to experience issues after 1930 Central, please log out and log back in. Please reach out to if access issues remain.

Allied Pilots Association Congratulates Aer Lingus Pilots on Pay Increases

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Capt. Dennis Tajer, 847-902-8481/Gregg Overman, 817-312-3901 Allied Pilots Association Congratulates Aer Lingus Pilots on Pay Increases FORT WORTH, Texas (July 25, 2024) – The Allied Pilots Association (APA), representing the 16,000 pilots of American Airlines, lauded the pilots of Aer Lingus for securing significant pay increases, resolving a protracted dispute between the Irish Air Line Pilots’ Association (IALPA) and Aer Lingus management. “We wholeheartedly agree with IALPA President Capt. Mark Tighe – this is a prime example of what workers can achieve when they stand together,” APA President Capt. Ed Sicher said. “With 96% of IALPA members casting a vote and 85% of those voting in favor, there is clearly strong support among the pilots for the new agreement. “It is my distinct pleasure to congratulate IALPA leadership and the rank-and-file membership,” Capt. Sicher said. “You stood up for your interests, you ultimately prevailed, and you can take pride in a job well done.” Founded in 1963, the Allied Pilots Association – the largest independent pilots union in the United States – has its headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas. APA represents the 16,000 pilots of American Airlines, including several hundred pilots on full-time military leave of absence serving in the armed forces. The union’s website is

Inquiries and Requests

Contact Information

Communications Chair

Captain Dennis Tajer

phone 847-902-8481 email APA Public Email Address

Director of Communications

Gregg Overman

phone 817-302-2250 email APA Public Email Address

Communications Editor

Dan Koller

phone 817-302-2251 email APA Public Email Address

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