Allied Pilots Association

Protect Our Skies

phone 817-302-2272
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The Allied Pilots Association (APA), Transport Workers Union (TWU), and Association of Professional Flight Attendants (APFA) represent a combined total of more than 70,000 workers at American Airlines, and we share a common bond — an unwavering commitment to advancing aviation safety. To that end, we are asking lawmakers on Capitol Hill to take the following actions:

  • Enact HR 1716, “Global Aircraft Maintenance Safety Improvement Act,” to provide more rigor in oversight of foreign maintenance, repair, and overhaul facilities.
  • Reject the “Enhanced Qualification Program” (EQP) amendment in the pending FAA Reauthorization bills. We oppose EQP and any other amendment that lowers standards and compromises safety. The safest component in any commercial airline operation is a well-trained, experienced, and professional pilot.
  • Reject the “Let Experienced Pilots Fly Act of 2023.” Raising pilot retirement age would provide little to no benefit to overall workforce strength and worsen the training backlog. Also, aviation safety has long been predicated on extensive data collection, and there is no reliable data regarding the impact of raising retirement age on the margin of safety due to increased risks from cardiovascular issues, diabetes, and cognitive decline.


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